We hope to see you online soon!
New Mini Season!
New Mini Season and some fixes for you~
New season is live!
Lots more fixes are here already! I think we’re caught up on all the reports now, aside from mod related fixes which we have to wait for Generations to update. Let us know if we missed anything! We’ll start working on some revamps and new stuff in the mean time
Happy new year!
“Whoa- do I actually have to read all of this?”
Hello everyone,
Happy Holidays! Also, this is a reminder that the upcoming seasons are about to undergo a refresh in a week.
Up next is our first feature update! Thanks for being patient while we ironed out the issues. This should be most of the annoying issues fixed now, we’ll patch up whatever else is reported with our 1.1 update next in a few days alongside some new content!
Also, we’re hoping to have crops reset for everyone at a specific time (likely midnight) starting tomorrow, or the day after; that way you don’t have to keep track of the exact minute you obtained your gold or silver rated crops.
We’ve got another big update full of more fixes! New content will begin being added in a day or two now that we’re mostly stable.