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New Seasons are live!

    • New Main Season:
      • Fairy Forest!
      • This season will run until April 30th
    • New Mini Season:
      • St Patricks!
      • This season will run until March 31st
    • New Battle Pass Season!
      • A whole second St Patricks set is available to obtain
      • A Shiny Celebi can be obtained!
    • Crates will not be refreshed until the Generations 1.0 Release soon
    • Fixed Ultra Beasts being cleared by Poke Clear
    • Fixed Villager Shops sometimes thinking you’re buying in bulk


    • Added the ability to bulk sell all of a particular item in your inventory by shift right clicking in the villager shops
    • Added a new RSW
      • At this time, we can’t connect portals (Nether/Ends), so we’ll be revisiting this soon to replace the system with a new one that can
      • Also, a few concerns have been raised with the introduction of monster spawns in these worlds- a handful of potential huge money making methods will open up. We need to think on it a little longer, as we don’t want to have to nerf prices of anything else
    • We have adjusted the spawn pool weights so there will be a larger variety of spawns you see in the wild
      • Adjusted Common spawns from 94.4 to 70
      • Adjusted Uncommon spawns from 5 to 25
      • Adjusted Rare spawns from 0.5 to 5
      • Adjusted Ultra Rare spawns from 0.1 to 0.5
    • Fixed dozens of empty spawn biomes
    • Fixed nearly a hundred invalid biome names, spawns should hopefully be a lot more diverse
    • Chat color is now white by default, as per the results of a poll
    • Iron Golem spawn rates have been limited due to an exploit raised to us and we do not want to lower Iron prices
    • Amethyst selling has been disabled due to some exploits
    • New Mini Season: Valentines
      • This Mini Season will last until February 14th
    • Our Build event has finished, the winner is… Bracoly! A close second place by one vote is DustMyCrust with third place being HitaxasTV! Thank you all who participated
    • We’ll have PokeBuilder and Global Shiny Boosters soon, we’re also continuing our PokeBingo too

New Mini Season!

    • New Mini Season: Moon
      • This Mini Season will last until February 2nd
    • Fixed Arceus Offerings Miracles not kicking in at 750 favor
    • Fixed Villager Rerolling on Forge
    • Fixed BattlePass week 3 Touch Sea Oats quest saying Touch Sea Grass
    • Fixed Battle Pass week 4 Swim quest being run
    • Removed Daily BattlePass quest Dirty Day and Hunger Games due to them only working half the time


New Mini Season and some fixes for you~

  • New Mini Season!
    • Arrgh, ye ready to be an Octopus Pirate?
    • This Mini Season will last until January 21st
  • Hostile Mobs now spawn in the Resource World
  • ~140 Pokemon Spawns have been updated, spotted a potential issue as to why some Pokemon aren’t spawning
  • Fixed Exp Share selling for abnormally high
  • Lowered Amethyst sell price, due to a bug on either Forge or Fabric, probably Fabric? Amethyst can be harvested much easier on Forge, whereas it’s much rarer to drop on Fabric. So out of fairness, we’re lowering it for now until we figure out what is going on and sync the rate between both
  • Lowered the sell price of Bamboo, due to abnormally high prices and its fast growth rate
  • Disabled selling Honeycombs- the entity limit for bees we set prior to launch is not working, it’s possible to get essentially an infinite amount of honeycombs quickly which is easily exploitable. Unsure if even $1 is low enough, so we’re disabling selling them until we’re able to narrow it down
  • Fixed Corsola, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Mareanie, Toxapex, Bruxish, Pincurchin not spawning at all due to is_reef not existing, they now spawn in is_warm_ocean
  • Lowered the price of Battle Pass Booster from $9.99 to $4.99, increased the time from 2 Hours to 4 Hours
  • Lowered shop sale to 25%
  • We should hopefully be able to crank out a lot of new content for you soon, likely near the end of this week. We’re wrapping up the Generations 1.0 update

New season is live!

    • New Mini Season: Gamer
      • Grab your Gamer gear, this mini season will last until January 14th!
    • Gold/Silver Crops limits now reset at midnight EST instead of 24 hours from when you obtained them
    • Added Raw Gold to the shop
    • Removed size edits from Vote Shop
      • Unfortunately, they reset when sent out
      • If you need vote point refunds, let us know
    • 2X BattlePass Booster in shop has been changed from 1 hour to 2 hours
    • 4X McMMO Booster in shop has been changed from 1 hour to 2 hours
    • Just a friendly reminder to make sure to post your build event submission coordinates in #build-event, only one has so far when there are lots of participants we know of
      • You can wait until you finish if you want, but we know life gets in the way and we wouldn’t want your builds to not get looked over because you forgot to post the coordinates 🙂
      • We will look over submissions on February 1st and begin judging then

Lots more fixes are here already! I think we’re caught up on all the reports now, aside from mod related fixes which we have to wait for Generations to update. Let us know if we missed anything! We’ll start working on some revamps and new stuff in the mean time

    • Fixed Villager Lag for real
    • Fixed Arceus Offerings, can now offer items to the gods
    • Build Event now live! Check Discord #events for details
    • Added Egg Moves to all mons that have them, they get them at level 100 for now
    • Added Tutor moves to all mons that have them, they get them at level 99 for now
    • Added Player Weather perk to /voteshop
    • Added size edits to /voteshop
    • Fixed 3 star crate not giving MasterBall Chest and Primarin Z due to typo, if you did not receive these let us know for replacements
    • Fixed a visual typo for Earthquake enchant in 3 star crate
    • Lowered egg steps since it only appears to work sometimes
    • Fixed Rock Smash breaking blocks it shouldn’t
    • Fixed Bread daily quest requirement being eating twice instead of once like it says
    • Fixed modded axes not working with tree cutter on Fabric
    • Fixed harvesting bee hive not working in BattlePass
    • Fixed Market Coupons not working on Fabric
      • Was caused by the villager fixes prior
    • Updated shop sale to 40%, bonus gives a 4 star crate, as well as a 3 hour 15% BattlePass Point Boost on every purchase

Happy new year!
“Whoa- do I actually have to read all of this?”

    • New BattlePass Season!
      • BattlePass has been reset
      • The Shiny Legendary reward has been updated to Xerneas
      • Tool rewards have been updated to a Snowflake toolset
      • Armor rewards have been updated to a full armor and tool set named Carnivore (dino theme)
      • This BattlePass season will end February 28th
    • New Crates!
      • All crates have been updated. Existing Keys still work
    • New Main Season!
      • Japan / Sakura themed with tons of new blocks and items to collect
      • This main season will expire February 28th
    • New Mini Season!
      • Paladin themed tools!
      • This season will expire on January 7th.
      • We will have a new mini season that begins on January 7th. We will have a new mini season each week this month thanks to your support in December
    • Implemented a new Trivia system that actually works
    • Added several new BP quests, now each week as 7 normal quests, 7 premium quests, for all 7 weeks
    • Increased the BP Point rewards that were 30 to 50
    • Increased the Daily BP Point rewards that were 8 to 25
    • Fixed villager professions getting locked
    • Increased Elevator range from 15 to 24
    • Increased battle flee distance from 10 to 20
    • Banned Curry and Cooking Pots temporarily as they cause crashes
    • Removed Nation Prefixes from chat to help with clutter (you can hover players names to see Nations)
    • We have manually placed 3 of each available shrine structure in Generations on both servers in the main world in /rtp zones: Frozen, Static, Fiery, Tapu, Lugia, Haunted Mansion, Creation Trio, Groudon, Forces of Nature, Regi
      • If you claim any, please make sure they are accessible and usable by others
      • Please do not destroy them
    • We have manually placed a handful of misc Generations structures such as loot balloons on both servers in /rtp zones (they’re in the sky)
    • Adjusted various crop prices
    • Adjusted various ore prices
    • Fixed lag with villagers mostly (full fix shortly)
      • Villagers cannot be traded with unless they are within 10 blocks of their job site block
      • Villagers AI are disabled when they have a jobsite block within 10 blocks, making them “dumb” and won’t run around and trigger a bunch of path finding algorithms and try to do chores
      • When interacted with, their AI is enabled to trade
      • A separate timer is ran to trigger refreshes since their default timer is now disabled without an AI, which checks on interact
      • It will let you know when stock will refresh in chat now when you interact with them
      • This makes leveling up a little bit slower, so after you level up a villager, please wait about 15 seconds before trading again. It seems to reset the 15 second timer when you interact with them- it will inform you in chat about this when leveling up
      • If you villager is named “Optimized”, it’s properly being optimized and free of lag. If it isn’t, let them sleep and wake them up, that seems to apply the name. Using a name tag does not optimize it
    • Removed Feather Dance enchantment
      • Disabled crop trampling globally, except if you jump on them
    • New players now have a unique join notification
    • Fixed players in hub getting launched on server reboots due to player collissions
    • Foxes are now limited to 64 per chunk on Fabric due to a performance issue
    • Fixed Wasteland, Windswept, & Dryland biomes having no spawns
    • Made bosses that spawn on a scheduler (not the natural ones) not spawn so close to the restart window
    • Added CoKing rank for Nations, like CoMayor, the Co King has all of the same permissions as a King
    • Tab player list now displays players from both servers
    • Player logins/disconnect are now shown on both servers
    • Due to an issue with Sturdy on armors, we have disabled Sturdy on armor. Going forward all armors purchased through seasons will be unbreakable
    • Reworked our Discord, now we have numerous pingable rolls you can opt-out from pings if you so wish in #roles
    • Also we have #marketplace forum to advertise what you’re looking for, services, trades, and more
    • As well as a new #towns forum to post your town and collaborate with your town mates offline or recruit players

Hello everyone,

Happy Holidays! Also, this is a reminder that the upcoming seasons are about to undergo a refresh in a week.

    • Make sure to grab your freebies from the shop!
    • BattlePass will be reset to 0 on January 1st
      • All progress will be lost and a new season will begin with new quests and some new rewards
      • BattlePass plans have changed- we have decided the next BattlePass season will last 2 months instead of 3
    • Crates will be refreshed on January 1st
      • The 5 Star, 4 Star, 3 Star, and 2 Star Crates have been completely remade
      • If you prefer the current crate roster, please make sure you use your keys for the specified crates you want to use them on
      • Your current crate keys will continue to work on the new crates, as is the plan going forward; so you can opt to stock up on keys or spend them all now- up to you
    • The Christmas main season will be replaced on January 1st with a new main season theme
      • The Christmas items will no longer be purchasable
      • Main Season plans have changed- we have decided the next main season will last 2 months instead of 3
    • The Modern Mini Season will be replaced on January 1st with a new mini season theme
      • The Modern items will no longer be purchasable
      • Thanks to your support, we will have 4 Mini Seasons in January, each lasting a week, rather than just 2 we originally planned

Up next is our first feature update! Thanks for being patient while we ironed out the issues. This should be most of the annoying issues fixed now, we’ll patch up whatever else is reported with our 1.1 update next in a few days alongside some new content!

Also, we’re hoping to have crops reset for everyone at a specific time (likely midnight) starting tomorrow, or the day after; that way you don’t have to keep track of the exact minute you obtained your gold or silver rated crops.

  • Stable servers! Wooo! No crash on either server the past few days. We’ve also implemented our twice-daily reboots. 10AM EST and 10PM EST. Two allows us to push misc fixes in or features quicker, so we’re sticking with that for a bit
  • Shop Sale slightly updated to give a 15% BattlePass boost instead of 10%
  • New Limited Time Only items have been added to the shop
  • Auction House now displays pokemon data, IVs and such will be added on the upcoming Generations update
  • Added a bunch of new categories on AH such as filtering Pokemon, Enchantments, Tools, Cobblemon items, and more
  • New town rank: Co Mayors. Co Mayors can do everything a Mayor can do. Including, renaming or deleting the town. Only give this to people you absolutely trust
  • Fixed false legendary spawning notifications
  • Fixed legendary spawning for real this time
  • Fixed Ditto Ditto breeding legends & fakemon
  • Fixed WonderTrade allowing eggs
  • Fixed /pbreed on Forge
  • Fixed /fix /repair not working on modded items
  • Fixed Autoclicker BP quest
  • Replaced Place Grass BP quest with Touch Sea Oats
  • Replaced Tame Wolf with Touch Seagrass
  • Lowered Mine Emerald BP Quest to 1
  • Setup Fabric’s fancy startup script on Forge so it boots faster as well after restarts
  • Fixed legendary spawns saying special instead of legendary
  • Fixed boss Pokemon saying they despawned instead of spawned
  • Fixed Vermilion City Disc being spelled wrong in random music disc rewards
  • Fixed /home not working properly on Forge


    • NEW: Crop Event! Tis the season- Chocolate is in high demand! Sell prices for Gold and Silver quality Cocoa Beans have increased dramatically. Check out the Farmers Market!
    • Added Keen Eye enchantment- found by trading with Villagers or in chests only. This enchant can be applied to pickaxes and shovels and prevents useless blocks such as cobblestone, deepslate, and dirt from dropping
    • Limited Time Only items are here! Our Holiday Deals are back! A new deal will be posted every day until Christmas!
    • Fixed WonderTrade having a small pool of 5. It’s been increased to 25 so you’ll receive a better variety of Pokemon now
    • Fixed /repair not working on Fabric (use /fix for a simple command since McMMO’s /repair is overriding this new plugin)
    • Sturdy has additional safeguards to prevent itself from losing durability now
    • Replaced vote link on our /vote page with the updated link
    • Lowered Amethyst sell price a bit since there’s whole biomes full of them
    • Fixed Private Messages & Town Chat & Nation Chat for real this time…
    • Fixed random Roseate Ball reward (typo)
    • Fixed boss rewards giving all of a specific reward (ie random mega stone would give all mega stones…)
    • Fixed Legendaries and Fakemon appearing in Double Ditto breeding
    • Fixed players unable to close their own ticket in Support Bot
    • Removed Telekinesis enchantment due to an exploit