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Harmony 1.1.3

New Mini Season and some fixes for you~

  • New Mini Season!
    • Arrgh, ye ready to be an Octopus Pirate?
    • This Mini Season will last until January 21st
  • Hostile Mobs now spawn in the Resource World
  • ~140 Pokemon Spawns have been updated, spotted a potential issue as to why some Pokemon aren’t spawning
  • Fixed Exp Share selling for abnormally high
  • Lowered Amethyst sell price, due to a bug on either Forge or Fabric, probably Fabric? Amethyst can be harvested much easier on Forge, whereas it’s much rarer to drop on Fabric. So out of fairness, we’re lowering it for now until we figure out what is going on and sync the rate between both
  • Lowered the sell price of Bamboo, due to abnormally high prices and its fast growth rate
  • Disabled selling Honeycombs- the entity limit for bees we set prior to launch is not working, it’s possible to get essentially an infinite amount of honeycombs quickly which is easily exploitable. Unsure if even $1 is low enough, so we’re disabling selling them until we’re able to narrow it down
  • Fixed Corsola, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Mareanie, Toxapex, Bruxish, Pincurchin not spawning at all due to is_reef not existing, they now spawn in is_warm_ocean
  • Lowered the price of Battle Pass Booster from $9.99 to $4.99, increased the time from 2 Hours to 4 Hours
  • Lowered shop sale to 25%
  • We should hopefully be able to crank out a lot of new content for you soon, likely near the end of this week. We’re wrapping up the Generations 1.0 update

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