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Harmony 1.0.5

Up next is our first feature update! Thanks for being patient while we ironed out the issues. This should be most of the annoying issues fixed now, we’ll patch up whatever else is reported with our 1.1 update next in a few days alongside some new content!

Also, we’re hoping to have crops reset for everyone at a specific time (likely midnight) starting tomorrow, or the day after; that way you don’t have to keep track of the exact minute you obtained your gold or silver rated crops.

  • Stable servers! Wooo! No crash on either server the past few days. We’ve also implemented our twice-daily reboots. 10AM EST and 10PM EST. Two allows us to push misc fixes in or features quicker, so we’re sticking with that for a bit
  • Shop Sale slightly updated to give a 15% BattlePass boost instead of 10%
  • New Limited Time Only items have been added to the shop
  • Auction House now displays pokemon data, IVs and such will be added on the upcoming Generations update
  • Added a bunch of new categories on AH such as filtering Pokemon, Enchantments, Tools, Cobblemon items, and more
  • New town rank: Co Mayors. Co Mayors can do everything a Mayor can do. Including, renaming or deleting the town. Only give this to people you absolutely trust
  • Fixed false legendary spawning notifications
  • Fixed legendary spawning for real this time
  • Fixed Ditto Ditto breeding legends & fakemon
  • Fixed WonderTrade allowing eggs
  • Fixed /pbreed on Forge
  • Fixed /fix /repair not working on modded items
  • Fixed Autoclicker BP quest
  • Replaced Place Grass BP quest with Touch Sea Oats
  • Replaced Tame Wolf with Touch Seagrass
  • Lowered Mine Emerald BP Quest to 1
  • Setup Fabric’s fancy startup script on Forge so it boots faster as well after restarts
  • Fixed legendary spawns saying special instead of legendary
  • Fixed boss Pokemon saying they despawned instead of spawned
  • Fixed Vermilion City Disc being spelled wrong in random music disc rewards
  • Fixed /home not working properly on Forge

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