We’ve got another big update full of more fixes! New content will begin being added in a day or two now that we’re mostly stable.
Fixed Fabric Teleportation issues for the most part
Fixed the reoccurring crash on Fabric
Also, added a safeguard to teleport you to spawn if you get the rare bug of logging into the void
Fabric might be mostly stable now. Will see how it does over day or so.
Fixed Legendary Pokemon unable to be summoned
Bosses now have Boss in their name, so you know if they’re a boss
Boss spawn rate has been boosted
Additionally, a scheduler has been made to automatically spawn bosses on a random player
In addition to McMMondays, we now have Saturday Night Fight Night. This will spawn a boss on a random player every 10 minutes all day long every Saturday
Increased Pokemon Spawn rate by about ~30%
Fixed Leftovers unable to be obtained from Apples (5%)
Fixed Haunted set not being given in BP reward
Fixed Random Shiny in BP reward
Fixed Random commands sometimes not working in Boss rewards
Fixed Pasture Blocks not being able to be opened by shift clicking on Forge
Fixed Spawn Eggs being usable in towns that aren’t your own
Fixed Display Cases being accessible to outsiders of town claims
Fixed various shop variables not working (such as galarian, hisuian, alolan forms)
Temporarily disabled the PokeBall Scroll due to crashes. This will work again later, for now it will just print “Coming Soon”
Replaced PokeBall Scroll in the 5 Star Crate with Gender Scroll
Replaced the CobblemonServer vote link with Servers-Minecraft
Every 2 hours, weather is set to clear for 1 hour to help deal with the common rain problem, while also allowing a chance for rain to still occur for some Pokemon that only spawn in the rain
Made Pokemon Faint 30% faster
A new Wednesday Giveaway is available
Fixed cross-server PM’s. You can now privately message players on other servers with /tell, /whisper, /msg
Fixed cross-server Mail. You can now privately send a mail to offline players on other servers with /mail
Fixed Town Chat- talk with all your town members privately with /tc message here
Fixed Nation Chat- talk with all your nation members privately with /nc message here
Added “Fake” regional form converters to the Vote Shop. Let us know what you want to see added to Vote Shop
Added /itemshout
We have an alternative system for Auction House for listing Pokemon we have working that properly shows all stats. It’s just a little too much to add with everything else all at once- so we’ll likely be releasing it in a day or two to avoid risking adding too much all at once and breaking things
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