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Harmony 1.0.3

We’ve got another big update full of more fixes! New content will begin being added in a day or two now that we’re mostly stable.

    • Fixed Fabric Teleportation issues for the most part
    • Fixed the reoccurring crash on Fabric
    • Also, added a safeguard to teleport you to spawn if you get the rare bug of logging into the void
    • Fabric might be mostly stable now. Will see how it does over day or so.
    • Fixed Legendary Pokemon unable to be summoned
    • Bosses now have Boss in their name, so you know if they’re a boss
    • Boss spawn rate has been boosted
    • Additionally, a scheduler has been made to automatically spawn bosses on a random player
    • In addition to McMMondays, we now have Saturday Night Fight Night. This will spawn a boss on a random player every 10 minutes all day long every Saturday
    • Increased Pokemon Spawn rate by about ~30%
    • Fixed Leftovers unable to be obtained from Apples (5%)
    • Fixed Haunted set not being given in BP reward
    • Fixed Random Shiny in BP reward
    • Fixed Random commands sometimes not working in Boss rewards
    • Fixed Pasture Blocks not being able to be opened by shift clicking on Forge
    • Fixed Spawn Eggs being usable in towns that aren’t your own
    • Fixed Display Cases being accessible to outsiders of town claims
    • Fixed various shop variables not working (such as galarian, hisuian, alolan forms)
    • Temporarily disabled the PokeBall Scroll due to crashes. This will work again later, for now it will just print “Coming Soon”
    • Replaced PokeBall Scroll in the 5 Star Crate with Gender Scroll
    • Replaced the CobblemonServer vote link with Servers-Minecraft
    • Every 2 hours, weather is set to clear for 1 hour to help deal with the common rain problem, while also allowing a chance for rain to still occur for some Pokemon that only spawn in the rain
    • Made Pokemon Faint 30% faster
    • A new Wednesday Giveaway is available
    • Fixed cross-server PM’s. You can now privately message players on other servers with /tell, /whisper, /msg
    • Fixed cross-server Mail. You can now privately send a mail to offline players on other servers with /mail
    • Fixed Town Chat- talk with all your town members privately with /tc message here
    • Fixed Nation Chat- talk with all your nation members privately with /nc message here
    • Fixed a shop exploit with rails
    • Builders Bazaar Shop: Added Deepslate, Cobbled Deepslate, Tuff, Glass, Lowered Dirt & Cobblestone to $1/each
    • Treasure Trove Shop: Added Amethyst Block, Nether Star, Increases Sell/Buy Quantity of a handful of items
    • Gadgets Galore Shop: Added Ghost Lantern, Sea Lantern, Lighting Lantern, Lantern, Soul Lantern, Pearlescent Froglight, Verdant Froglight, Ochre Froglight
    • Added “Fake” regional form converters to the Vote Shop. Let us know what you want to see added to Vote Shop
    • Added /itemshout
    • We have an alternative system for Auction House for listing Pokemon we have working that properly shows all stats. It’s just a little too much to add with everything else all at once- so we’ll likely be releasing it in a day or two to avoid risking adding too much all at once and breaking things

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