We hope to see you online soon!
Hello everyone, long time no see.
It’s been quite a journey getting to this point, but we’re happy to announce that we are releasing soon (for real this time). It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these big posts, so please excuse any ramblings or anything laid out wrong- I’ll get better after a few times of practice.
BETA Information
• We are planning a public beta sometime in the coming days. Could be tomorrow, could be at the end of the week, it’ll be sometime this week. We’ll let you know when in another announcement on Discord.
• During this BETA, we will have no spawn but all of our features will be enabled. Just play normally, or go through the list of features and test various things one-by-one; up to you!
• This BETA server is to get us ready for an official release- we want to know if you don’t have permissions to run a command, if a reward for something stinks, if something isn’t obtainable, etc. Just to iron out the obvious bugs before we open the doors officially.
• The BETA server will be available for 2 – 3 days
Early Release Information
• It’s time. It’s been way too long. We’re going to be releasing early, before Generations officially releases. Main features are becoming stable enough, we think it’s safe enough- aside from structures which you can read more just below
• Based on your feedback in a recent Discord poll, most of you seem to prefer a large world. We’re going to slightly shrink it to either 15k x 15k or 20k x 20k, then we’ll have an additional resource world that gets wiped regularly so we don’t have to worry about any structures being unavailable, new ones added over time, or new biomes/features added to Minecraft over version jumps (Generations will be updated to 1.21 soon after the official release)
• When are we releasing? Well, it depends on how things go on the BETA server. If things go smoothly, we could release as early as a week or two. Otherwise, sometime next month is the goal.
• Your ranks will remain
• The 1.19 Cobblemon and 1.12 Pixelmon servers will be closed when it launches, please schematica your builds or take screenshots of anything important before that happens
We’re happy to announce that we should have even more features than we did in 1.12, we spent absolutely forever on this server trying to get everything working and up to standard
We can’t wait to see you all again.
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