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Custom Enchantments

3 min read

Custom Enchantments #

Overview #

Our server boasts a unique and diverse enchantment system with over 50 custom enchantments. These enchantments add exciting and powerful effects to your items, enhancing gameplay and providing a wide range of possibilities for players.

Enchantment List #

  1. Adaptability
    1. Gives a bonus to damage dealt
  2. Agility
    1. Increases attack speed
  3. Ancient Power

    1. Gain strength when blocking hits
  4. Aura
    1. Players near you take less damage
  5. Blacksmith
    1. Gain durability over time
  6. Blessing

    1. Hooking onto enemies during a storm may strike them with lightning
  7. Brutal Swing

    1. Damages enemies nearby when swinging your weapon
  8. Bulk Up

    1. Increases crit damage
  9. Caffeine
    1. Increases attack speed while sprinting
  10. Chaos
    1. Mines blocks in a larger radius
  11. Conversion
    1. Deals more damage against slimes and magma cubes
  12. Curse
    1. Chance to boost your opponents damage
  13. Decidueye
    1. Lets you shoot full speed arrows at lower tension
  14. Dig
    1. Chance to ignore suffocation damage
  15. Domain
    1. Increases damage dealt in the End
  16. Double Jump

    1. Performs a second jump mid air
  17. Dragon Claw

    1. Bonus melee damage against end mobs
  18. Earthquake
    1. Mine veins of ores at once
  19. Explosion

    1. Chance to mine blocks in a larger radius
  20. Feather Dance

    1. Prevents trampling of crops by jumping on them
  21. Flying Press

    1. Deals more damage in the air
  22. Frency Plant

    1. Replants crops automatically
  23. Full Belly Mode
    1. Decreases sprinting hunger loss
  24. Gluttony
    1. Increases hunger gained by eating food
  25. Hunger Switch

    1. Increases hunger loss
  26. Illusion

    1. A chance to become invisible after taking damage
  27. Keen Eye
    1. Prevents useless items from dropping when mining such as Cobblestone, Deepslate, and Dirt
  28. Leech Seed

    1. Heals some damage dealt
  29. Leftovers
    1. Gives bonus health
  30. Levitation
    1. Levitates you in the air for a few seconds and slow falls after
  31. Light Screen

    1. Deals more damage to wardens in the Deep Dark
  32. Malicious Moonsault

    1. Increases damage dealt for each percentage of HP loss on your opponent
  33. Marksmanship
    1. Arrows deal more damage the further they travel
  34. Max Potion

    1. Fully heals you
  35. Might
    1. Gives bonus damage against passive mobs
  36. Mischieviousness
    1. Increases damage dealt in the Nether
  37. Night Vision

    1. Applies the night vision potion to yourself
  38. Pain Split

    1. Gives bonus attack damage at the expense of damage to yourself
  39. Paralyze
    1. Chance to stun attacked mobs
  40. Pastel Veil

    1. Chance to ignore potion damage
  41. Payback
    1. Gives bonus crit damage when under half health
  42. Poison
    1. Poisons the attacker with increased duration per hp you’ve lost
  43. Prankster

    1. Chance to fail to break blocks
  44. Quick Attack

    1. Deal more damage against enemies with full health
  45. Rage
    1. Deal more damage against players
  46. Rock Smash

    1. Digs extra blocks
  47. Sand Attack

    1. Deals extra damage to your opponents armor
  48. Sandstorm
    1. A chance to apply darkness to your opponent
  49. Shield
    1. Rebounds some damage back at your attacker
  50. Skull Bash

    1. Increases headshot damage
  51. Smack Down

    1. Deals more damage if your opponent has more health than you
  52. Smelting Touch

    1. Automatically smelts mined blocks
  53. Sneak
    1. Deals greater damage while sneaking
  54. Splash
    1. Chance for attacks to do nothing
  55. Stealth Rock

    1. Chance for your opponent to bleed, dealing damage over time
  56. Strength
    1. Deals more damage
  57. Telekinesis
    1. Drops and exp are collected automatically
  58. Teleport
    1. Teleports you to your opponent when striking them with an arrow
  59. Thunderbolt
    1. Chance to strike lightning bolts on your opponent
  60. Wisdom
    1. Increases experience gained

Enhance Your Gameplay #

These enchantments cover a wide range of effects, from enhancing combat skills to providing utility and convenience. Players can discover and apply these enchantments to their items, creating personalized and powerful tools for their Minecraft adventures. They’re fully compatible with our custom items!