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Advanced Towns Guide

3 min read

Advanced Town Management Guide #

In this guide, we’ll be going over the more advanced aspects of Towns. These options are entirely optional, as default settings can typically work for anyone to keep their town safe.

Promoting Assistants #

When players join your town, they have very limited permissions and by default are only able to build on their own plots that they purchased from you. You can promote specific players to be Assistants. Assistants can build on nearly any plot to help with town development such as building roads, walkways, and scenery. Assistants may also purchase chunks and list plots for sale other players may purchase, as well as inviting members to join your town.

  1. /town add [player] [rank]:
    • Promote a player to a specific rank within your town such as Assistant.
  2. /town rank remove [player]:
    • Demote a player from their current rank within your town.

Managing Plots #

  1. /plot claim:
    • Claim an unowned plot within your town.
  2. /plot unclaim:
    • Unclaim a plot owned by your town.
  3. /plot set perm [friend/ally/outsider] [perm] [on/off]:
    • Adjust permissions for a specific plot, specifying the player type (friend, ally, or outsider), the permission, and whether it should be turned on or off.

    Example: /plot set perm friend build on

  4. /plot set perm reset:
    • Reset plot permissions to the default settings.

Listing a Plot for Sale #

  1. /plot fs sale [amount]:
    • List a plot for sale or eviction with a specified amount. The plot will be available for purchase at the specified price.

    Example: /plot fs sale 100

  2. /plot fs off:
    • Disable the sale of a plot. This removes the plot from the market.

    Example: /plot fs off

Changing a Plot Type #

  1. /plot set type [type]:
    • Change the type of a plot to a specified type. Common plot types include:
      • wilds: Allows you to maintain a sort of ownership or “claim” of a plot, but also allow it to behave more like the wilderness where outsiders can break/place as they wish
      • arena: Plots designated for arena purposes where players can engage in pvp for fun.
      • embassy: Plots for foreign embassies, they may be claimed by anyone- including outside members
      • farm: Plots with permissions to allow breaking of plants and crops, as well as kill mobs
      • inn: Plots for outsiders to sleep in
      • outpost: Plots that act as a sort of town warp for your town, players can list outposts in the town and can warp to them (/t outpost name)
      • bank: No specific purpose on our server. There is an option to force deposits and withdraws to be made only in bank plots, but that is disabled as it’s annoying and limiting. But, you can still set them for cosmetic purposes
      • reset: Resets a plot of any type to the default plot type, the most protective type which allows you to set the plot for sale for players in your town to purchase or not

    Example: /plot set type shop

  2. /plot set reset:
    • Reset the plot type to the default type.

    Example: /plot set reset

  3. /plot set perm reset:
    • Reset plot permissions to the default settings after changing the plot type.

    Example: /plot set perm reset